SPECIAL NOTICE: Due to the impact of weather conditions, the Town of Elizabethtown offices will remain closed on Thursday, January 23. The Town urges all residents and businesses to limit travel as potential snow conditions and black ice will make roadways unsafe.  The offices are expected to re-open on Friday, January 24. Please follow our website and social media pages for updates.


Request for Professional Engineering Services

Town of Elizabethtown Request for Proposals for Professional Engineering Services
CDBG-NR – Grant #19-C-3126

The Town of Elizabethtown has received a Community Development Block Grant-Neighborhood
Revitalization (CDBG-NR) award in the amount of $750,000 by the NC Department of Commerce
(NCDOC) for the 2020 CDBG-NR Project. The original project addressed housing needs for three
(3) units and the rehabilitation of one Town-owned park.

The amended project still addresses housing needs for three (3) families and the park rehabilitation
was replaced with a sidewalk and street lighting project.

The Town of Elizabethtown in connection with CDBG Grant #19-C-3126, as amended, is seeking
competitive engineering proposals for a new sidewalk and street lighting improvement project on
Dunham Street, (approximately 1,025 feet) between Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive and US
Highway #701. Engineer should be familiar with CDBG Grant requirements, and follow all
guidelines, as provided or as necessary for CDBG projects.

The Town Board of Commissioners are soliciting requests for qualifications for professional
engineering services to assist the Town in subsequent engineering design and limited construction
inspection services. All work for this project will be conducted to ensure compliance with all
federal requirements and regulations under the North Carolina CDBG-NR Program. Engineering
payment terms will be negotiated with the selected firm. The fee for engineering services will be
paid with CDBG funds.

For more information: go to RFQ for Professional Engineering Services