SPECIAL NOTICE: Due to the impact of weather conditions, the Town of Elizabethtown offices will remain closed on Thursday, January 23. The Town urges all residents and businesses to limit travel as potential snow conditions and black ice will make roadways unsafe.  The offices are expected to re-open on Friday, January 24. Please follow our website and social media pages for updates.


Next Event in the 250th Anniversary Series

Elizabethtown Celebrates the Civil War Years During its 250th Anniversary Series

Town of Elizabethtown Celebrating 250 Years

After a successful Founder’s Day in March, the Town of Elizabethtown is inviting residents and visitors to come learn about the next 50-year period (1824-1873) in an event on Saturday, May 6 at the Cape Fear Farmer’s Market.

Calling the event “the Civil War Era”, demonstration and presentations on naval stores, river transportation, major landowners, quilting and the Underground Railroad will take place as well as some good old Bluegrass music with the Rusty Dusty String Band.

The festivities kick off at 9AM and will run to 3pm at the Cape Fear Farmers Market. All events are free and open to the public.

The Anniversary will continue with events every other month including interpretation, vendors and entertainment. On July 8th, the years of 1874-1923 will be highlighted with information about the importance of agriculture to the area, transportation on the Cape Fear River and the impact of World War I. The September 23 event is being called a “Homecoming” and will focus on 1923-1973. It will focus on our emerging industry and leaders. The final event will take place in conjunction with the Pork & Beats Festival on November 3 & 4 and will focus on modern times.

Vendor applications and sponsorship opportunities can be found at https://elizabethtownnc.org/visitors/250th_celebration/

The 250th Committee welcomes any additional idea and suggestions. Please contact Terri Dennison at 910-862-4368.