Public Notice: TOWN OF ELIZABETHTOWN PUBLIC NOTICE   The April Town Council meeting will be held on Monday, April 7, 2025 in the Elizabethtown Town Hall, 805 W. Broad Street.  There will be a Noon Work Session, and the evening meeting begins at 7:00 p.m.  Meetings take place in the Council Chamber.


Special Called Meeting



Amended – 10/6/2023 and 10/16/2023

The Town of Elizabethtown Town Council will be conducting a Special Called Meeting on Friday, October 20, 2023 at 12 o’clock Noon in the Elizabethtown Municipal Building, 805 W. Broad Street.  The purposes of the meeting will be to conduct a Public Hearing for Acquisition of Real Property in accordance with NCGS 160A-20(a) and 160A-20(g) and for consideration of a Professional Services Agreement for the CDBG-NR Sidewalk project.

At 12:30 P.M. on Friday, October 20, 2023, there is a Special Called Meeting in the Elizabethtown Municipal Building, 805 W. Broad Street.  The purposes of the meeting will be to consider W.K. Dickson Work Authorization #5 for Preliminary Design Services for the Airport Industrial Park Phase II and for a Lead Service Line Inventory Resolution for submission of a formal Grant Application.               


                                                        Sylvia Campbell, Mayor