Public Notice: NOTICE TO TOWN OF ELIZABETHTOWN TAXPAYERS   All unpaid 2024 Real Estate Taxes will be advertised beginning April 15, 2025. To avoid advertisement full payment must be made on or before April 4, 2025. Payments submitted by mail must reach Town Hall by 5:00 PM Friday, April 4, 2025.   Beverly Robinson Certified Tax Collector/Deputy Town Clerk


Elizabethtown Introduces Newsletter

In an effort to keep the residents and businesses more informed of initiatives, projects and other things happening in the town, the Town of Elizabethtown has introduced a newsletter, called “The Bridge”.

The first publication includes information on three major projects: the expansion of the waste water treatment plant, the development of the “live, work, play” concept in the industrial park and an update on the building of the Community Center on MLK Drive. The issue also includes guidance on permits and a list of upcoming events.

Copies of the newsletter were mailed to every resident and are available at Town Hall and in the brochure racks at the Farmers Market. Digital copies are available on the website. 

For additional copies, please contact the Marketing Department at 910-862-2066.

The Bridge Newsletter 2024 Q1 – Winter Issue