Public Notice: NOTICE TO TOWN OF ELIZABETHTOWN TAXPAYERS   All unpaid 2024 Real Estate Taxes will be advertised beginning April 15, 2025. To avoid advertisement full payment must be made on or before April 4, 2025. Payments submitted by mail must reach Town Hall by 5:00 PM Friday, April 4, 2025.   Beverly Robinson Certified Tax Collector/Deputy Town Clerk


PUBLIC NOTICE: Program Amendment for 2020 CDBG-NR



Notice is hereby given that the Town of Elizabethtown’s Town Council will conduct a Public Hearing on Monday, December 2, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in the Elizabethtown Town Hall concerning the intention of Elizabethtown to submit a program amendment to the Town’s CDBG-NR program.  Elizabethtown proposes to construct a light manufacturing facility and to request additional funding in an amount not to exceed $4,000,000.

The purpose of this public hearing is to notify citizens of the proposed amendment and receive comments relative to the proposed amendment.  Formal written views concerning the proposed amendment submitted to the Elizabethtown Town Hall will be responded to within ten (10) calendar days.  The total CDBG program cost is $950,000 which represents 100% of the total project funds. 

If you plan to attend and require special accommodation because of a disability or physical impairment, please contact Juanita Hester at (910) 862-2066 (TDD 800-735-2962) at least three (3) days prior to the hearing.

This information is available in Spanish or any other language upon request. Please contact the Town Clerk at 910-862-2066 or at 805 W. Broad St., Elizabethtown, NC  28337 for accommodations for this request.

Esta información está disponible en español o en cualquier otro idioma a pedido. Comuníquese con el Secretario Municipal al 910-862-2066 o al 805 W. Broad St., Elizabethtown, NC 28337 para obtener información sobre las adaptaciones a esta solicitud.