Public Notice: Trash Services Delayed Due To Weather Conditions: The following information was provided to the Town of Elizabethtown by GFL concerning trash service for today, February 20, 2025: Due to weather conditions, GFL will have no trucks on the road today. Trash/Recycle services will be one day behind. Thursday pickup will move to Friday, and Friday pickup will move to Saturday. We apologize for any inconvenience.


Visioning Meeting for Blueprint for New Town

Visioning Workshop for the Blueprint to Revitalize New Town to be held December 14.

Residents of the New Town Community in Elizabethtown are invited to attend the A Blueprint to Revitalize New Town Workshop: Identifying a Vision to Restore and Revitalize New Town. Registration for the meeting is required.

Through a direct grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) Thriving Communities Program, the Town of Elizabethtown has chosen to create a Blueprint that will identify and prioritize infrastructure needs within the New Town Community.

A visioning workshop on Saturday, December 14 at the Paul R. Brown Leadership Academy (PRBLA) will give the members of the New Town Community the opportunity to come together, with the assistance of a facilitator, to:

  • express the values of New Town residents and how those values inform their vision for their community;
  • develop a working vision statement for New Town’s restoration and revitalization;
  • identify desired projects and improvements that will contribute to achieving the vision;
  • creating a community-driven plan for reinvigorating New Town and reconnecting it to greater Elizabethtown and surrounding areas;
  • establish a working group tasked with implementing the vision; and
  • acquire tools to provide input beyond the workshop and communicate additional ideas as the Blueprint progresses toward finalization.

The meeting will be held on Saturday, December 14, 2024, in the Multi-Purpose Room at PRBLA, 1360-B Martin Luther King Drive, Elizabethtown between 10:00 am and 1:00 pm with check-in beginning at 9:30 am. Lunch will be provided Registration is limited to the first 50 New Town residents. New Town residents interested in participating in the workshop should register via email [email protected] or calling (984) 247-8551 before December 6, 2024.