Public Notice: NOTICE TO TOWN OF ELIZABETHTOWN TAXPAYERS   All unpaid 2024 Real Estate Taxes will be advertised beginning April 15, 2025. To avoid advertisement full payment must be made on or before April 4, 2025. Payments submitted by mail must reach Town Hall by 5:00 PM Friday, April 4, 2025.   Beverly Robinson Certified Tax Collector/Deputy Town Clerk


Housing Discrimination Complaint Procedures

Town of Elizabethtown Housing Complaint Procedures

Any person or persons wishing to file a complaint of housing discrimination in Elizabethtown may do so by informing the Planning and Zoning Director at (910)862-2066, or the NC Human Relations Commission (984)236-1919, Fax (984)236-1946, Toll-Free 1-866-324-7474, of the facts and circumstances of the alleged discriminatory acts or practice.

Upon receiving a housing discrimination complaint, the Planning and Zoning Director shall inform the NC Rural Economic Development Division and the North Carolina Human Relations Commission about the complaint within ten (10) calendar days. The Town shall then assist the Commission and the complainant in filing an official written housing discrimination complaint with the Commission, pursuant to the State Fair Housing Act and Title VIII.

The Town shall assist the Commission in the investigation and conciliation of all housing discrimination complaints which are based on events occurring in the Town of Elizabethtown.