Cape Fear Farmers Market of Bladen County
The Cape Fear Farmers Market is located at 106 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, Elizabethtown, NC and is a beautifully restored facility that is the center point of downtown Elizabethtown.
The Cape Fear Farmers Market was designed as a place for our local farmers to offer their fresh and locally grown products. Farmers at the Market offer a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, baked goods, meats, eggs, jams, jellies, preserves, honey-based products, and farm-related products. It is also where local vendors can display and sell their handcrafted one-of-a-kind items. Please be aware that participation in the Market varies. Hours of operation are Monday through Saturday, 7:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.
The beautiful and history-rich Cape Fear Farmers Market's common area is available for lease for special events. We are proud to have Elizabethtown - White Lake Area Chamber of Commerce uses the facility for their monthly Chamber Member Breakfasts and Downtown Business meetings.
Two exceptional anchor stores: Burney's Sweets & More and Barefoot's Sandwich Shoppe, take pride in promoting and calling the Farmer's Market home. Burney's Sweets & More specializes in delicious pastries, doughnuts, cakes, and lunch sandwiches. Barefoot's Sandwich Shoppe tempts your tastebuds with subs, paninis, salads, burgers, fries, and an assortment of drinks, which customers may enjoy while looking at a collage of photos from historical Elizabethtown.
Visit the Cape Fear Farmers Market of Bladen County for delicious fare from our anchor stores and fresh, locally produce and crafts when available.
Reserve the Common Area
This application is to be used for event reservations for the common area of the Cape Fear Farmer's Market.
Contact the Town of Elizabethtown at (910) 862-2066 in advance for available dates.
The Area can be rented Monday through Saturday from 3pm until 11pm. No set-up before 3pm.
Completed applications and associated fees must be submitted to the Town of Elizabethtown Administration Office, 805 West Broad Street, before your event.
Deposit - $150 due with signed.
Fee - $350 within 60 days of the event unless otherwise arranged.
If you have any questions, contact the Town of Elizabethtown at (910) 862-2066, Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sell Produce and other products at the Farmer's Market
Below is the application to sell produce and other products at the Cape Fear Farmer's Market. Completed applications and associated fees are to be submitted to the Town of Elizabethtown Administration Office, 805 West Broad Street, before selling. If you have any questions, please contact the Town of Elizabethtown at (910) 862-2066, Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
FARMERS - NO COST IF SELLING LOCAL PRODUCT. Submit application to Town Hall prior to setting up. Use the green tables under awning between the Farmers Market and the parking lot. Unload and move trucks and cars to the dirt lot.
Space is first come/ first served except for Annual Permit holders who have their own designated spaces. Use the green tables under awning and portico or inside Market. If bringing your own table, each space is not to exceed 8'x10' and should not obstruct entrances, common seating area or walking paths. Vendors should unload and move vehicles to dirt lot next to Farmers Market.
Annual Vendors - should fill out Vendor Application and submit to Town Hall.
Day Vendors - payments should be placed in an envelop in the green box inside Farmers Market. Envelop should include name, phone number and items being sold..
Food vendors should contact the Elizabethtown's Planning Department to obtain a Itinerant Merchant Permit. All requirements of the Bladen County Environmental Health Department must be met.