Public Notice: March 2025 Town Council Meeting: TOWN OF ELIZABETHTOWN PUBLIC NOTICE   The March Town Council meeting will be held on Monday, March 3, 2025 in the Elizabethtown Town Hall, 805 W. Broad Street.  There will be a Noon Work Session, and the evening meeting begins at 7:00 p.m.  Meetings take place in the Council Chamber.


Managing Wildlife Hazards at Airports 2019 Training

Any personnel from NC airports tasked to handle wildlife hazards to aviation. If you represent a CFR Part 139 Airport, this training will aid in meeting your 14 CFR 139.303 training requirements.

USDA Wildlife Services, in cooperation with the NCDOT Division of Aviation, will provide technical outreach and other services designed to increase safety at NC airports. This is a no cost training event for attendees. Training days typically run from 9AM—4PM, with lunch either provided by the host airport or on your own at local restaurants. Seating is limited, please register early, registration is on a first come first serve basis. More info will be provided upon registration regarding directions and itinerary. For 2019, we will be offering 5 standard Part 139 trainings and two Advanced Trainings at EWN and HKY. The Advanced Training will be more tailored to individuals that handle wildlife control at their airports on a daily basis. This training will include: standard topics to meet Part 139
certification; an on-site visit to learn how to properly survey the airfield, identify hazards/attractants and record data; demonstrations on multiple types of harassment devices;and demonstrations on trapping techniques for birds and mammals.

Topics contained in FAA Advisory Circular 150/5200-33 will be discussed
General overview of wildlife hazards to aviation in our state and nation
Review of the Wildlife Hazard Assessment and Wildlife Hazard Management
Plan Process
Rules, regulations, legal reminders, wildlife permits
Basic bird and mammal identification
Wildlife attractants and habitat management
Integrated management of wildlife hazards
Record keeping and strike collection
Pyrotechnic demonstration and safety brief

If you have questions or would like to pre-register call:
Jimmy Capps USDA – Wildlife Services at (919) 210-9428 or email [email protected]. For resources and information on Wildlife Hazards, please visit: and