Public Notice: March 2025 Town Council Meeting: TOWN OF ELIZABETHTOWN PUBLIC NOTICE   The March Town Council meeting will be held on Monday, March 3, 2025 in the Elizabethtown Town Hall, 805 W. Broad Street.  There will be a Noon Work Session, and the evening meeting begins at 7:00 p.m.  Meetings take place in the Council Chamber.


Attention Water Customers

The most recent water bills that are due November 5th reflect 39 days of usage instead of the normal 30- or 31-day calendar month total. This error is due to Hurricane Ian damage to the antennae that reads the town water meters and has since been corrected.  Bills that will be due on December 5th will reflect only 22 days.  We understand this may cause hardship and will be willing to work with our customers on an individual basis for the bills that are due November 5th.